Contacts - Documentation

Create alert channels for Email, SMS, Slack, Twitter, etc and use them to receive notifications.

What are Contacts?

Alert notifications for monitor events are sent to Contacts. You can create a contact and re-use it for alerts across all monitors.

Contact Types

You can create contacts of type Email and SMS. Notifications are sent through the corresponding medium.

Email Contacts

Email contacts just need an email address to which notifications are sent. A default contact is created for the email address you used to sign up to Pinger Man. This cannot be deleted. All email addresses must be verified before the contact can be used as alerts in monitors. Check your inbox for an email from and click on the verification link.

SMS Contacts

SMS contacts require country and a phone number to be specified. A verification SMS is sent to this phone number along with a 6 digit code. This code must be entered in the verification popup that opens up. If you closed the popup, you can re-open it by clicking on the Verify link next to your contact. Once verified, you can use the contact in your monitors to receive notifications through SMS.

Adding Contacts

  • Goto the Contacts Area by selecting it from the left sidebar
  • Click on the Add Contact button to open the dialog box
  • Give the contact a Name
  • Specify the email address for the contact. This is where the alert notifications are going to be emailed.
  • Choose a Subscription to determine which events to send notifications for. You can select one of the following:-
    • None - No email alerts are sent.
    • Up and Down - The contact receives notifications for both up and down events.
    • Only Down - Notifications are only sent when the monitor goes down.
    • Only Up - Notifications are only sent when the monitor comes back up.

Disabling Contacts

Use the Enable/Disable Notifications button to the left of a Contact to disable/enable notifications.

Deleting Contacts

Use the Delete button to delete a contact.

This action cannot be undone.