HTTP Blog Posts

Learn about HTTP, including how it powers web communication, best practices for optimizing requests and responses, and ensuring secure and efficient data transfer across websites


Follow HTTP meta tags in HTTP Monitor

HTTP monitors can now follow HTTP redirects via META tags in the HTML document. This can be used...


Raw Keyword Check in HTTP Monitor

You can now compare raw keywords inside HTTP monitors. This bypasses parsing of HTML elements an...


Match expected URL in HTTP Monitor

HTTP monitors now support validation of response URL. This can be used to make sure that the fin...


What is the HTTP Protocol?

HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the backbone of the internet. It is responsible for tra...


Everything You Need to Know about SSL Certificates

What are SSL Certificates? SSL certificates are an essential part of internet security. They ar...


New Statistics for Checks

Now, you can see the HTTP, SSL & WHOIS details for individual checks. This includes:- ...


Keyword & HTTP Monitor Merged

To keep things consistent we have merged Keyword monitor with HTTP monitor. A new tab called Con...